DUI Attorneys

Don’t let a mistake ruin your life. We all make mistakes. If you’ve been arrested for a DUI, you need to act fast. Our experienced team of Jacksonville DUI Attorneys has handled countless DUI cases and is here to help you through this difficult time.
You are innocent until proven guilty
Many of our DUI attorneys were Florida State Prosecutors and we understand the system from both sides of the aisle. We’ll put the law to work for you in a discreet and professional manner, by obtaining the best possible outcome for your case, minimizing your sentence if you are convicted and obtaining a “work permit” if at all possible.
Before you sign anything, consult with our Jacksonville DUI Attorneys
The DUI laws in Florida are tough – among the toughest in the nation. IF you are going to fight a DUI charge, you need an attorney that knows what needs to be done and is ready to fight the tough uphill battle. We have achieved outstanding results in our over 30 years of practice in Jacksonville. We have saved many of our clients their driver’s licenses and preserved their driving records.
We’ll make sure your legal rights are protected and your interests are represented. Please contact us today for a free consultation today.