Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

When an elderly loved one decides to move into a nursing or assisted living facility, family members assume the best of care will be delivered. However, the Jacksonville Nursing Home Abuse attorneys at HGR know from experience that sometimes elder abuse is unfortunately common and often very challenging. Some facilities experience a rapid turnover of personnel and managers. This can contribute to poorly trained employees operating under inadequate supervision. Instances of elder abuse have included physical harm, negligence, verbal threats, sexual abuse, and even financial gain by some whose job it is to care for the elderly.
Many times these acts go unreported by a resident who may not understand how they’ve been victimized or out of fear, confusion, or embarrassment. A nursing home has a duty to offer a standard of care most would consider the best it can offer, despite the person’s preexisting conditions or advanced age. Our Jacksonville Nursing Home Abuse attorneys understand the laws regulating care facilities and how they may have been violated; we know the signs of abuse, and we are prepared to uncover the inadequacies of care received by your loved one. Contact us today if your loved one's well-being has been threatened or harmed.