Child Support Lawyers

When divorce settlements and judgments are calculated there is always a consideration of child support for the custodial parent and sometimes spousal support (Alimony) payments to the former spouse. The calculation for child support is done pursuant to Florida Statutes (Annotated; Chapter 61.30), however, alimony payments may or may not be awarded and are determined on a case-by-case basis.
Our experienced Jacksonville Child Support lawyers will help you secure a financial arrangement that will help you and your family in the future, including:
- Initial Child Support Judgment
- Child Support Modification
- Child Support beyond the age of Majority for Dependent Adult Children
- Child Support Enforcement
- Temporary or Bridge Alimony
- Permanent Alimony
- Rehabilitative Alimony
- Lump Sum Alimony
- Alimony modification
The Family Law attorneys at Harris Guidi Rosner, P.A. have years of experience in dealing with child support and alimony issues. We will work to make sure that you receive a fair and just settlement. Contact one of our Jacksonville Child Support lawyers and set up a consultation.
Child Support Calculation
The court may order either parent to pay child support during and after the dissolution of the marriage proceeding in an equitable amount, based on the nature and circumstances of the case. There are specific child support guidelines set out in Florida Statutes Annotated; Chapter 61.30.
In addition, there are specific factors for consideration upon which the child support guidelines may be adjusted:
- Extraordinary medical, psychological, educational, or dental expenses;
- Independent income of the child;
- The custodial parent receives both child support and spousal support;
- Seasonal variations in a parent’s income or expenses;
- The age of the child, taking into consideration the greater needs of older children;
- Any special needs of the family;
- The terms of any shared parental arrangement;
- The total assets of the parents and the child;
- The impact of any IRS Dependency Exemption; and
- Any other reason that should be considered in order to make the child support payments equitable
- Health insurance for the child and life insurance covering the life of the parent ordered to pay support may be required by the court. Child support payments may be ordered to be paid through a state depository. [Florida Statutes Annotated; Chapters 61.13 and 61.30]
Alimony Guidelines
The Circuit Court can order spousal support from one spouse to the other on a case-by-case basis as follows:
- The court may grant permanent or rehabilitative alimony to either party
- The court will typically order periodic payments or payments in a lump sum or a combination of both
- The court may also consider marital fault, especially adultery when making an alimony award.
The court shall consider all relevant economic factors, including but not limited to:
- The standard of living established while married
- The length of the marriage
- The age and health of each party
- The financial resources and assets of each party
- When applicable, the time necessary for either party to acquire sufficient education or training to enable such party to find appropriate employment
- The contribution of each party to the marriage, including, but not limited to, services rendered in homemaking, childcare, education, and career building of the other party
- All sources of income available to either party
- The court may consider any other factor necessary to do equity and justice between the parties. The court may order any spouse who is paying alimony to purchase or maintain a life insurance policy or bond, or to otherwise secure such alimony award should he or she predecease the obligated support period. (Florida Statutes – Chapters: 61.08)