Divorce Modification Attorneys

A final decree is not necessarily final. When your circumstances change after a final divorce decree, you might need to revisit the final order and request a modification. If you should ever find yourself in a scenario where a divorce requires modification, you need the experienced Jacksonville Divorce Modification attorneys at HGR. It is common for divorces that include child support stipulations and alimony stipulations to be modified several times or more.
Some of the changes that might warrant applying for a modification could include:
Child Support Modification
Custody Modification
Visitation Modification
Alimony Modification
Our divorce attorneys have extensive experience in helping a spouse with alimony or spousal support modification requests.
In fact, under recent changes in Florida Law, alimony can be reduced or terminated when a former spouse is living with a person as if they were married.
It is important to seek the help of an experienced divorce modification attorney when your life circumstances have changed, and the Jacksonville Family Law attorneys at Harris Guidi Rosner have the experience and the track record that you can count on. We will review your case and if it is deemed appropriate we will file a Petition for Modification on your behalf to have the provisions in your old decree changed.
Enforcement – Enforcing the Final Divorce Settlement
There are times after a final divorce order is put into effect that you need assistance in enforcing the terms of the agreement.
- What if you are denied visitation?
- What if your ex-spouse relocates without notifying you or the courts?
- What if a property you were awarded in the decree will not be surrendered?
- What if spousal support or alimony is not being paid?
In these situations, you will need the assistance of a qualified experienced family law attorney to file a Motion for Contempt, or an Order to Show Cause or Action for Enforcement.
Don’t allow your final decree to be ignored. Contact us for a confidential consultation and we will review your situation and advise you on the best course of action to secure your legal rights and the rights of your children.