Wrongful Death Attorneys

Who is covered by Florida Wrongful Death Act?
According to the law, survivors of the deceased are entitled to compensation for wrongful deaths. This can be similar to a person being compensated for injuries caused by another party’s wrongdoing. To discover if you could recover losses associated with a loved one’s death, call one of our experienced Wrongful Death attorneys for a free and confidential personal injury consultation.
Laws that address who is entitled to recover these damages differ by state. Typically, the listing of beneficiaries involves young children and a spouse. In Florida, kids over 18 have the ability to obtain damages under special circumstances. The estate of the deceased may also be eligible for compensation in some cases.
Florida is one of many states that treat other family members as statutory survivors if they relied upon the deceased for financial support. The survivors will be listed underneath Florida’s Wrongful Death Act. Statutory survivors could be compensated and the compensation rates will be based upon a survivor’s relationship with the deceased.
The reason for the wrongful death law is to recover damages endured by all survivors. The estate may also be entitled to recover future values of the net accumulations which the deceased would have earned if the wrongful death hadn’t occurred.
Lastly, funeral and medical bills are recoupable by the estate or survivor who paid or will be compelled to pay for them. You’ve been through enough with the untimely death of a loved one and our team of Wrongful Death attorneys in Jacksonville will do everything we can to help ease your burden and provide comfort while you grieve.
To discover if one of our Jacksonville Wrongful Death attorneys could assist you in pursuing compensation for your loss, contact us for a complimentary consultation.
What are you entitled to in a Wrongful Death lawsuit?
In wrongful death lawsuits, the Wrongful Death lawyer has to be able to prove the death happened as a result of negligence by an additional entity or person. A Jacksonville wrongful death attorney also needs to prove that the surviving loved ones suffered monetary losses as a result of this death.
Recoverable damages include loss of anticipated earnings, loss of consortium, funeral expenses, and medical bills. A case in which a defendant’s actions were particularly outrageous can also result in punitive damages being awarded. Punitive damages aren’t awarded in all cases and are intended to punish a defendant for their actions rather than compensating a victim for their non-economic and economic losses.
Florida’s statute of limitations for wrongful death cases runs two years from the date of death. To assure your statute of limitations doesn’t run out, immediately contact our Jacksonville wrongful death attorneys.
A wrongful death attorney at Harris Guidi Rosner, P.A. understands that no amount of cash could replace your loved one. What we can do is assist you in understanding your rights and aid you in filing a wrongful death claim that puts you in the best position to recover damages. Call and speak to one of our Wrongful Death attorneys right away.