Bicycle accidents may be preventable if you understand the rules of the road. Even when all precautions and laws are obeyed, a bicyclist is still at risk of an accident.
Bicycle accidents can be rather severe, and you should know your rights so you can be protected under the law if you are involved in one.
Safe Bicycling Laws
Bicycle safety starts with a bicyclist understanding the laws regarding bicycling. If you are involved in a bicycle crash, knowing the legislation can be of great help. Of course, knowing and following the laws would be the best way to prevent accidents and to protect yourself if you are in an accident. You’re obeying the laws, and if you are on the bicycle, you are going to be the one in the right legally, after an incident.
Bicycle laws differ from state to state and usually correspond to that nation’s driving laws.
Bike equipment laws include that the bike has working brakes, handlebars are in a suitable position, and the size of the bicycle fits the rider. After dark, bicycle riders have to have a light on the front of the bike and a reflector on the rear and pedals.
Road rules for the bike rider include obeying all traffic signs and signals, signaling when turning, riding as close to the edge of the roadway as possible and obeying аll оthеr trаffіс lаws.
Prohibited Activities
In addition to laws and the rules, the bike rider must follow, bicyclists must also refrain from activities while on the roadways. These restrictions are for the safety of both those riding a bike and for vehicles on the road. Activities include:
- Hitching to a Motor Vehicle.
- Riding with passengers, not in a seat that is legal.
- Riding without both hands on the handlebars.
The Department of Transportation or local governments have the right to prohibit or restrict bicyclists on any roadway or area. These areas will have signs in place to warn of the restrictions.
If you are riding a bicycle and you are not obeying the law you can be found at fault in an accident. That is why understanding regulations and the bike laws in your area are important. The first step in keeping yourself safe while riding a bike following them and is knowing these laws.
Of course, even regulations and laws cannot guarantee that you’ll be safe. If you feel insecure or unsure when riding your bike you have to be cautious and get out of the circumstance. You need to keep an eye out for yourself. On the roadway, bicyclists will be those who are at the most risk of being injured in an accident. It is wise to attempt while riding on the roadways to prevent situations that are dangerous. Obeying thе rulеs аnd stауіng аwаkе whіlе оn thе rоаdwауs іs thе bеst wау to avoid a bicycle accident.
Hire a Jacksonville Personal Injury Attorney in Jacksonville
When involved in a bicycle accident, you will want a skilled attorney on your side to help you deal with the aftermath. Fortunately, our team of personal injury attorneys at Harris Guidi Rosner, P.A. are here to help. Not only will our team ensure you gain control of your case, but we will help you understand all of your options and discover the best possible outcome for your situation.
You can call us at any time to schedule your free consultation. During your consultation, you and a personal injury attorney will discuss your situation, develop your legal claim(s), and determine what the best strategy would be to resolve your legal matter.
To let the Harris Guidi Rosner attorneys assist you with your personal injury, call 904-777-7777 or click our Jacksonville Personal Injury Lawyer page.