The First Steps When Someone Has Been Arrested

The First Steps When Someone Has Been Arrested

ArrestedWhen a friend or loved one has been arrested, the first inclination is to call home and tell what happened or did not happen. If you want to see the best outcome for this person, do not allow him or her to explain anything about the facts of the case from the jail. Jails routinely record phone calls from inmates to the outside world. These recordings are maintained over the course of the case and can be used against the arrestee in a variety of ways. Even if the arrestee explains why he is innocent of the accusations or that he is not as guilty as police suspect, do not allow him to elaborate further. Even these statements can hurt him in the end.


Your next step is to contact an attorney who can properly advise you concerning the particular facts of the case and the laws that apply. We can also explain the procedures involved and how the criminal court system works from start to finish. Attorneys can also coordinate with bondsmen to get the person out of jail. These are invaluable steps that should be taken immediately when that friend or loved one first call from the jail.

Chris Wilson

Chris has been a Family Law and Criminal Law attorney since 2001. He is an attorney with the Jacksonville Law Firm of Harris Guidi Rosner, P.A.